the elders 在 光體、心臟溫度的調節,時空U型金槽的建造; Heart temperature and U shape golden Time redeem(上碼; Coding) /.王大喜(Rasta Wang) 的影片資訊
2021/06/15(on Channel、Coding) 光體、心臟溫度的調節, 時空U型金槽的建造; Heart temperature and U shape golden Time red...
2021/06/15(on Channel、Coding) 光體、心臟溫度的調節, 時空U型金槽的建造; Heart temperature and U shape golden Time red...
2021/06/13(工作紀實,給客戶、上碼;to client coding) 天相化忌,官府解法。琉璃海。 Justic redeem and releasing work. The glaze...
2021/03/28生命超自然現象紀實 藏經閣「”龍涎香”尋龍脈;龍穴地圖顯示術」(全部路徑光化術) 「Ambergris;Entire path restore」(reveal Dragon to...
从前,只有登门拜年的孩子才能领到红包。可是疫情期间,没办法登门拜年的话,长辈们是否会习惯用电子红包呢? 赶快把这首歌分享给你的长辈,从此提起电子红包不再怕尴尬了! ? Today's Chin...
2021/02/06生命紀實 一個失落的天才,從小就無法睡著的人 57、555、16、Dragon heart「Light body, the temperature mode of the hear...
2021/02/03生命紀實 (獻給,,藝術家,Miguel Alamilla aka Yellowstix) 57、420、 暨「全部治癒術」後 「時空療癒術」之輔助、 「仿生獸究光術」, 頂輪、海...
#penanghokkien #dustmite Nobody knows... Millions of dust mite are sleeping with us. Too much of it...
Speaking Japanese with elders and strangers along the Edo River! Community Subtitles by: Manuel Lam...
Speaking Japanese with elders and strangers in another country town! This was shot back in 2020 with...